Sunday 1 April 2012

Anonymous. Good or Bad


Official homepage

What is Anonymous?
By their definition:  Anonymous is a non-central gathering of people all around the world with a view to establish freedom and social-justice in the world.

What did they do?
  • Attacking government websites and networks (such as FBI networks)
  • Hacking Sony, PayPal, Mastercard, Visacard and many other institutions
  • Supporting WikiLeaks
  • etc.
FBI Hacked by Anonymous

What are they doing? Anonymous against Internet-Censoring Ligigation such as SOPA, PIPA

What will they do?  
Who knows, some rumors state that Anonymous will shut down the whole Internet itself. We don't know yet. Btw, will you become an Anonymous? For me, I can't say because right now, everything is a mess. We need someone to clean that up. But who is the one right for the jobs, we still don't know. But at some levels, I'm glad the Internet is not totally controlled by the government.